Digital Writing: Enhancing Ways of Teaching and Learning Writing

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Digital Writing: Enhancing Ways of  Teaching and Learning Writing

1. What are the problems struggling writers have in writing classes?

According to the article, the prolems strugging writers have in writing classes are 1. have a poor handwriting (or have difficulty to write) and for some learners or writers write slowly or illegibly. 2. Some of them have problems in expressing their idea through composition and sometimes have trouble communicating and understanding their teachers and peers during discussion in the classroom. 
3. A lack of confidence in producing text and insecure feelings about showing their writing to
others, in particular to their peers.
4. Some of them have the low motivation to write. 

2. What does 'digital writing' refer to?

Digital Writing is a change in the writing environment where writing is produced on the computer, mobile phone, and tablet, and then distributed via Internet networks

3. What are the three digital writing tools? Give brief descriptions?

There are Blogs, Instant Messaging (IM) and Social Network Site (SNS) 
A blog is a discussion, informational article or personal journal, published on the World Wide Web, which is often frequently updated. Blogs allow people to post or exchange information with no constraints on time and space. Many people use blogs as a medium to update journals or post their experience, such as dinners, music, holiday trips, hobbies, and product reviews, to broaden their horizons, and to fulfill their needs and interests. Thus, blogs provide opportunities, inspirations, and motivations for personal writing (Godwin-Jones, 2008) and promote authorship.

Instant Messaging (IM) – MSN, Line, Twitter, Skype, chat-room 
Instant Messaging (IM) is a form of Internet-based, real time text communication between users on the same system.
Social Network Site (SNS)
A social network site (SNS) is a website or an online service platform in which people share interest, create a public or semi-public profile, and interact with other users. Not only do SNSs enable users to connect with friends and strangers, but they also allow users to broadly view their social networks and to make more connections

รูปภาพที่เกี่ยวข้อง 4. How has digital writing enhanced the teaching of writing?

Digital writing can enhance the teaching of writing in terms of making the students to be brave to write in English. According to the options of digital writing, it has many options such as shorthand, abbreviations, and emoticons. 

5. What are the things that you should take into consideration to employ digital writing for teaching academic writing?

The things that the teachers should take into consideration to employ digital writing for teaching academic writing are the levels of language and the shorthand, because we cannot use those in academic writing. So, when we teach our students we should consider about this. 

6. Which activity do you like most? Why?

Role Play, because this activity can provide the opportunity to the students to do the conversation with their peer or friends. For this activity, the teacher will give the topic or let the students find theirs own topics which are the topics that they are interested. So, they can learn and improve their writing paper from their favourite topics. This is the reason why I like ROLE PLAY ACTIVITY the most. 


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